Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Game of Life aka Russian Roulette

I equate having cancer to the game of Russian roulette. Although truthfully, very few of us can predict our destiny and actually those of us with cancer or other serious illness's may have an advantage, we are forced to choose our destiny along with the collaboration of our soul; up to the point of Divine intervention.


We can choose to fight for our lives, make our bodies strong and healthy again, use the latest medicine and technology, commit to our own wellness, make the necessary changes but even then...  there are no guarantees".

I am an anomaly, I defy the stereotype, whats typical, the norm.  I have a very sophisticated education in Oriental medicine, I am an advanced meditator, I lead individuals and groups through very potent and creative healing journeys, I am in private practice, I consult and console clients. I grew up on game preserves, led a holistic lifestyle, I juice, drink green smoothies, don't own a microwave, never eat refined foods, I was  vegetarian for 25 years, I only eat local and organic fruits and vegetables, only eat grass fed beef and lamb from farmers that I know personally, and only shop at the health food store and local farm markets. I have lived in the country side most of my life. I exercise, I walk allot, I practice yoga, I bike and roller-blade, the perfect model of refined health???????

My diagnosis shocked everyone, including myself.

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